Scorpio is a relatively tall, leanbuilt, darkskinned man with short hair that is red on one side and white on the other His tail is a large gun that is shaped like a scorpion's tail that has the word "Antares" written on it He wears no shirt, but has a flower shaped collar that is red and trimmed with gold around his neckFor Scorpio's normal form see Scorpio Eclipse Scorpio (スコピーオン Sukōpion), "The Scorpion" (天蠍宮 Tenkatsukyū), is the Eclipse form of the Celestial Spirit Scorpio that is one of the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys His key is currently owned by Lucy Heartfilia, but the contract was severed causing Scorpio, along with the rest of the Zodiac, to rebel1 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3Physical Appearance Scorpio is a relatively tall, leanbuilt, darkskinned man with short hair that is red on one side and white on the other His tail is a large gun that is shaped like a scorpion's tail that has the word "Antares" written on it He wears no shirt, but has a flower shaped collar that is red and trimmed with gold around his neck
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Fairy tail scorpio human
Fairy tail scorpio human-Lucy Asks Taurus to Destroy the Barrier Taurus Destroys the Barrier Taurus and Lucy Stare at the Cleared Path Lucy Forces the Gate Close Taurus Complimenting Lucy's Outfit Lucy Tells Taurus to Make Byro Beg for Mercy Taurus and Lucy Shocked at Byro's Agility Taurus Defeated by Byro Kain Blocks Taurus' AttackScorpio is a relatively tall, leanbuilt, darkskinned man with short hair that is red on one side and white on the other His tail is a large gun that is shaped like a scorpion's tail that has the word "Antares" written on it He wears no shirt, but has a flower shaped collar that is red and trimmed with gold around his neck

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Dr Emanuel Klipse Doctor Emanuel Klipse is the new archnemesis of Pegasus Kouga and Natsu Dragneel, and one of the primary antagonists of the crossover series As a talented scientist with an IQ of 300 who dreams of dominating the world, his constant plots to create his Klipse Empire are endlessly thwarted by Kouga, Natsu, their friends, andAquarius/Scorpio (Fairy Tail) Lucy Heartfilia;"As long as you're in your human form, it might be kind of suspicious to be walking around with a giant snake" Lucy said (Y/N) nodded and turned into her human form
Lucy Heartfilia is a Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, wherein she is a member of Team Fairy Tail She is the primary female protagonist of the Fairy Tail series and Fairy Tail Neo, and the main love interest/future mate of Natsu Dragneel 1 Profile and Stats 11 Power Ranking 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 History 5 Synopsis 51 Worlds Collide Arc 6 Powers and Abilities 7 Equipment 8Fairy Tail Guild Natsu Dragneel Main article Natsu Dragneel FileNatsu, Lucy, and Happy running from Rune Knightspng Natsu invites Lucy to Fairy Tail Natsu shares the closest friendship with Lucy among all other members of Fairy Tail Their deep bond stems from the fact that he is responsible for inviting and bringing her to the guild, and eventually teamed up with her to formLeo, the "Lion", is the leader is of the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys His Key is currently owned by Lucy Heartfilia 1 Profile and Stats 11 Power Ranking 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 History 5 Plot 6 Powers and Abilities 7 Weaknesses 8 Relationships 9 Other Media 91 OVA 92 Movies 93 Video Games 10 Battles 11 Trivia 12 Quotes 13 References 14 Navigation Name Leo Alias The Lion
Lurus (タルルー Tarurū) is the fanon pair between Celestial Spirit, Taurus and Fairy Tail Mage, Lucy Heatfilia 1 About Taurus and Lucy 11 Taurus 12 Lucy Heartfilia 2 History 21 Taurus' History 22 Lucy's History 3 Relationship 4 Synopsis 41 Macao Arc 42 Galuna Island Arc 43 Loke Arc 44Romeo Conbolt is the only son of Fairy Tail's Mage, Macao Conbolt, and a Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, wherein he is a member of Team Fairy Tail He is also the boyfriend/future mate of Wendy Marvell 1 Profile and Stats 11 Power Ranking 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 History 5 Synopsis 6 Powers and Abilities 7 Relationships 8 Other Media 81 OVAs Movies Video Games 9Scorpio, "The Scorpion", is a Celestial Spirit that is one of the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys He is Aquarius' boyfriend His key is currently owned by Lucy Heartfilia 1 Background 2 Physical Appearance 3 Personality 4 Synopsis 5 Abilities 6 Relationships 7 Background in Other Media 8 Trivia 9 Quotes 10 Battles & Events 11 Navigation Scorpio is a relatively tall, leanbuilt, dark

Scorpio Fairy Tail Wiki Fandom

Fairy Tail Celestial Spirits Gemini
Gemini's appearance Gemini are two individual twins of a single Celestial Spirit They are both small creatures with blue colored bodies and two antennae They have small, black, beady eyes with white pupils They both wear shorts, Mini wears orange shorts, and Gemi wears black ones Gemi has a "^" shape for a mouth, while Mini has a "v" for aScorpio is a relatively tall, leanbuilt, darkskinned man with short hair that is red on one side and white on the other His tail is a large gun that is shaped like a scorpion's tail that has the word "Antares" written on it He wears no shirt, but has a flower shaped collar that is red and trimmed with gold around his neckAquarius, "The Water Bearer", is a Celestial Spirit that is one of the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys She is Scorpio's girlfriend Her key is currently owned by Lucy Heartfilia 1 Profile and Stats 11 Power Ranking 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 History 5 Synopsis 6 Powers and Abilities 7 Equipment 8 Weaknesses 9 Relationships 10 Other Media 101 OVAs 102 Movies 103 Video Games 11 Trivia

Scorpio Fairy Tail

The Celestial Keys Of Fairy Tail Myanimelist Net
Aquarius, "The Water Bearer", is a Celestial Spirit that is one of the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys She is Scorpio's girlfriend Her key is currently owned by Lucy Heartfilia 1 Profile and Stats 11 Power Ranking 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 History 5 Plot 6 Powers and Abilities 7 Weaknesses 8 Equipment 9 Relationships 10 Other Media 101 OVA 102 Movies 103 Video Games 11 Battles 124/12/14 A/N Before someone decides to flame me for being inept in my Fairy Tail folklore, I am aware that Aquarius and Scorpio have never appeared in a form that passes for human (scorpion and mermaid tails are decidedly nonhuman), but I don't see why they wouldn't be capable of doing so considering their magical prowessThe Celestial Spirit World is the dimension where the Celestial Spirits reside The Celestial Spirit World is the place where all Celestial Spirits spend their time when they are not being called up by their summoners It is presumably ruled by the Celestial Spirit King Being in the world seems to have some sort of rejuvenating effect on the spirits, restoring their health after being in the

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Lucy Heartfiliais aMageof the New Fairy Tail Guild, wherein she is a member ofTeam Fairy Tail, and a former member of the Original Fairy Tail Guild She isthe main female protagonist of the Fairy Tailseries andFairy Tail Omega, and the love interest/future mate of Natsu Dragneel 1 Profile and Stats 11 Power Ranking 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 History 5 Powers and Abilities 6Read Eclipse (Scorpio x Reader) from the story Fairy Tail x Reader Oneshots by LordoftheFandoms with 3,6 reads zeref, mirajane, natsu Ideas/Requested byScorpio Summoner Lucy Heartfilia, Angel (former) "The Scorpion" Scorpio is a rough man with a large gun for a tail Scorpio uses a sand based Magic, which he blasts a great amount of sand from his tail Sagittarius Summoner Lucy Heartfilia "The Archer" Sagittarius is a man wearing a horse costume much to Lucy's surprise with a great skill

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Lucy Heartfiliais aMageof the Fairy Tail Guild, wherein she is a member ofTeam Fairy Tail She isthe primary female protagonist of the Fairy Tail series and the main love interest/future mate of Natsu Dragneel 1 Profile and Stats 11 Power Ranking 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 History 5 Synopsis 51 Worlds Collide Arc 52 World Adventures Arc 53 Asgard Arc (Filler Story Arc) 54As a human, he was born and blessed by magic Into a demon, he was turned against his will By a dying dragon, he was raised and loved In Fairy Tail a family he foundDuring Fairy Tail's mission at Sun Village, Sagittarius is summoned by Lucy to counter Drake, the sniper of the Sylph Labyrinth Treasure Hunters Having already located the position of the hidden sniper, Sagittarius proceeds to shoot an arrow at him

Sagittarius Fairy Tail

Gemini Fairy Tail
Aquarius, "The Water Bearer", is a Celestial Spirit that is one of the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys She is Scorpio's girlfriend Her key is currently owned by Lucy Heartfilia 1 Profile and Stats 11 Power Ranking 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 History 5 Synopsis 6 Powers and Abilities 7 Equipment 8 Weaknesses 9 Relationships 10 Other Media 101 OVAs 102 Movies 103 Video Games 11 TriviaA moment later and Loke rose, apologizing and disappearing into starlight Virgo disappeared after him Brilliant light shone as the rest of Lucy's Zodiac Spirits disappeared into that same gold glitter, leaving Aquarius alone in the great hall She stared aroundAquarius, "The Water Bearer", is a Celestial Spirit that is one of the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys She is Scorpio's girlfriend Her key is currently owned by Lucy Heartfilia 1 Profile and Stats 11 Power Ranking 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 History 5 Plot 6 Powers and Abilities 7 Weaknesses 8 Equipment 9 Relationships has a boyfriend named Scorpio 10 Other Media 101 OVA 102 Movies

Official Fairy Tail Guild Celestial Spirit

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Scorpio is a relatively tall, leanbuilt, darkskinned man with short hair that is red on one side and white on the other His tail is a large gun that is shaped like a scorpion's tail that has the word "Antares" written on it He wears no shirt but has a flowershaped collar that is red and trimmed with gold around his neckThis rule was even lifted once when the Celestial Spirit King invited Team Fairy Tail into the Celestial Spirit World for a celebration One of the places in the Celestial Spirit World is a restaurant where patrons can see auroras, which was mentioned by Scorpio A human can stay in the Celestial Spirit World for a short time if he or she wearsAquarius/Scorpio (Fairy Tail) Freeform Summary Lucy, having to grow up alone in a large mansion, cast aside by her father and hurting from the death of her mother, gave up on the idea of making friends, let alone a family who'll love and support her, besides her Celestial Spirits, and closed her heart under lock and key

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Summary When Natsu tells Lucy she's pregnant, the two are overjoyed and can't wait for the new life to be brought into the world As time goes on, however, Natsu becomes more controlling and protective of his girlfriend A late night drunken standoff results in Lucy fleeing her own home, battered and bruisedBickslow is a tall man with a mildly muscular build and broad shoulders His hair is blue and black in color, with the black parts being almost shaven, and the blue ones, occupying the top and the sides of his head, being much longer, with the one of the top being styled in a Mohawklike crest, and the ones on the sides pointing backwardsScorpio is a relatively tall, leanbuilt, darkskinned man with short hair that is red on one side and white on the other His tail is a large gun that is shaped like a scorpion's tail that has the word "Antares" written on it He wears no shirt, but has a flower shaped collar that is red and trimmed with gold around his neck

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Summary Lucy and Levy took an easy mission together to earn some jewels for themselves and for Lucy's rent On their way to Magnolia they get captured by Acnologias cult of fanatics and Lucy is sacrificed to the Dragon of Apocalypse Levy returns to Fairy Tail with Lucy's keys, informing everyone about what happenedAfter a year apart, Fairy Tail has finally reunited But things have changed, perhaps even beyond repair But before anyone can get the chance to recover, the machinations of Zeref and Mavis have finally sprung into action, and Fairy Tail is right in the middle of itPhysical Appearance Scorpio is a relatively tall, leanbuilt, darkskinned man with short hair that is red on one side and white on the other His tail is a large gun that is shaped like a scorpion's tail that has the word "Antares" written on it He wears no shirt, but has a flower shaped collar that is red and trimmed with gold around his neck

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The Fairy Tail cast has a lot of different kinds of characters, many of whom are a part of the Fairy Tail guild itself This group of friends and coworkers work together and use their magic to make money and protect each other from harm Related Fairy Tail 10 Things Only True Fans Know About Sting Eucliffe All of the characters have distinct personalities and reasons for being in the guildLucy Heartfiliais aMageof the Neo Fairy Tail Guild, wherein she is a member ofTeam Natsu, and a former member of Fairy Tail She isthe primary female protagonist of the Fairy Tail series andNeo Fairy Tail 1 Profile and Stats 11 Power Ranking 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 History 5 Synopsis 51 New World Arc 6 Powers and Abilities 7 Equipment 8 Relationships 9 Other Media 91 OVAsAquarius (アクエリアス Akueriasu), "The Water Bearer" (宝瓶宮 Hōheikyū), is a Celestial Spirit that is one of the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys She is Scorpio 's girlfriend Her key was owned by Lucy Heartfilia until she sacrificed it in order to summon the Celestial Spirit King Nevertheless, Lucy still owns a part of her original key

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The Celestial Keys Of Fairy Tail Myanimelist Net
"The Scorpion" Scorpio is a rough man with a large gun for a tail Scorpio uses a sand based Magic, which he blasts a great amount of sand from his tail Gemini "The Southern Cross" Crux is a human like cross, with a mustache and cross shaped nose Fairy Tail (フェアリーテイル Fearī Teiru 妖精の尻尾)Scorpio is a relatively tall, leanbuilt, darkskinned man with short hair that is red on one side and white on the other His tail is a large gun that is shaped like a scorpion's tail that has the word "Antares" written on it He wears no shirt, but has a flower shaped collar that is red and trimmed with gold around his neckScorpio is a relatively tall, leanbuilt, darkskinned man with short hair that is red on one side and white on the other His tail is a large gun that is shaped like a scorpion's tail that has the word "Antares" written on it He wears no shirt, but has a flower shaped collar that is red and trimmed with gold around his neck

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Scorpio The Scorpion edit edit source Scorpio is a relatively tall, leanbuilt, darkskinned man with short hair that is red on one side and white on the other His tail is a large gun that is shaped like a scorpion's tail that has the word "Antares" written on itA page detailing Gray Fullbuster's relationships with other characters, of his own fandom and Jade's other gang members 1 Fairy Tail Gang Members 11 Wendy Marvell 12 Carla 13 Lucy Heartfilia 14 Lisanna Strauss 15 Mest Gryder 16 Eclipse Scorpio 17 Sting Eucliffe 18 Lector 19 Rogue Cheney 110 Frosch 111 Rufus Lore 2 Other Fairy Tail Characters 21 Natsu Dragneel 22 Erza Scarlet 23Lucy and Juvia reconcile Juvia and Lucy first meet each other as members of opposing guilds in the Fairy TailPhantom Lord war where Juvia is ordered to kidnap Lucy Juvia later falls in love with Gray and, because of a misunderstanding, begins to harbor a onesided love rivalry with Lucy The two later reconcile during their battle with Vidaldus Taka, as Lucy is the first Fairy Tail Mage

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